Though humans have greatly impacted the river, Kennebec River is abundant with natural beauty and wildlife. I do my best to capture the beauty of the river and its inhabitants.
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This Cormorant was the first things I photographed after setting out on the river for the first time. After this he turned his butt towards me and relieved himself in my general direction. So, of course I mage him/her my logo.
An Egret in the grasses behind Shephard Point in Hallowell.
Fall foliage along the Kennebec just below the Easter Outlet of Moosehead Lake, Oct 2023
A Great Blue Heron in flight north of Hallowell.
An Osprey looking for its next meal north of Hallowell.
A Great Blue Heron starts to take flight south of Augusta
Sunlight streams through a stand of Birches along the banks of Wyman Lake
Mallards along shore south of Augusta in late September 2023
Momma duck shepherds her ducklings upstream in Farmingdale.
One of the ducklings scoots by its mother.
A Bald Eagle north of Hallowell.
A Bald Eagle perches on a boom island by Brown's Island in Farmingdale
The sky is washed out here but this is the unedited shot of an Osprey carrying off an Alewife by Hallowell.
A Great Blue Heron in flight by Shephards Point in Hallowell.