OTK Cormorant

Let me explain the bird I use as a logo. All of June 2023, I was trying, without success, to get out on the Kennebec. I bought a boat on June 2nd, but the outboard needed work, so it went into the shop. Two weeks later it came out, only to go back in when the motor immediately crapped out on me. A few days and $6,000 later, I get the boat and take it to our lake to get used to it. Because this was the summer of constant rain, it wasn’t until July 7th that I actually got out n the Kennebec.

As I am putting around in front of Hallowell, I see this guy sitting on a log near the eastern side of the river. I get closer, take a few photos and then start to shoot some video… and the bird lifts its tail and defecates in my general direction. My thought was, Welcome to the Kennebec (and I made the video below along those lines).

Naturally, I adopted this litter fluffer as my mascot and logo.

My little f——er

When a bird shits in your general direction, you gotta take it in stride… and make a video.


Hallowell Then & Now: The Train Station


Martha Ballard